A regional healthcare summit has been streamed to a global audience for the first time.
In addition to the hundreds of healthcare leaders from across the UK who attended the Yorkshire and Humber Shared Care Record Summit event, organisers opted to live stream it for the first time.
With over 200 healthcare experts in attendance, video company Deadline Digital used a five camera set up to capture the atmosphere of the summit and reflect that same essence to the digital audience.
Additional content such as presentations and video content was also seamlessly incorporated within the live stream.
Alongside this, Deadline Digital was commissioned to create ten, 30-60 second videos highlighting key topics of the summit as well as a two minute overview film.
The team of three interviewed attendees of the event to get their views on key issues such as the benefits of a Shared Care Record and what the future holds for them.
Interviewees included NHS Trust and Integrated Care Board representatives, healthcare staff and tech industry experts.
You can watch all the videos on YouTube.
Head of Content, Tom Johnstone, ensured the live stream ran smoothly:
“Live streaming is an exciting and innovative way to produce video content, so it’s great to be able to offer this service. The key to live streaming is making sure you can video the event with plenty of variety for those watching remotely. I believe we captured the atmosphere of the summit and mirrored this to the remote audience.”
Tom Johnstone